Life insurance??

Life insurance??

Can I take out a policy on my ex-husband for my daughter... and through who?? I need to insure my child future he does not have any kind of insurance and we just recently got divorce. We both have parents that pass away in the 40's and i want to look into this for are kid.. what can i do??


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Is there ANY way to get birth control without insurance and not have to spend an arm and leg?

I'm 20 and covered by my parents' insurance-i'm a student and part-time server and do not get benefits or insurance through school. My parents however do not want to more



What insurance company should I choose for my car?

I just got dropped from state farm because of high risk and I'm looking for something affordable for a college student/ musician. I have to get full coverage as well. What is a cheap company I can go with that's not going to screw me over or anything?



How much would it be to insure a Datsun 280zx for a 16 year old in NC.?

I have a mustang but v6 want a little more, but worried it might be to much to do right now.



Life insurance for over 60?

Hello,just wondering if anyone out there has any good expierence for life insurance over 60 years old.I am a 64 year old female who wants something for 15 years with no pre-existing medical conditions.There are so many out there I just dont know who I can trust.Thanks...



Why is health insurance cost rising?

Why is health insurance cost rising?



Can you insure two people separately on the same car?

My girlfriend is doing her lessons and driving to work and having her own car would cost more than it does to get the bus with price of parking, and I don't want to put her on my insurance so would she be able to insure her self on my car as well on a different policy?



Where can I find an affordable therapist in Orange County, CA w/no health insurance?

I'm looking for a therapist in Orange County, California for depression and severe anxiety issues, but I have no health insurance. Can anybody help me figure out who I should talk to/where should I look to get affordable therapy?



How much does insurance on a 2012 corvette for a 16 year old cost?

i know what you're probably thinking. who would buy a 16 year old a brand new corvette? but i have enough to buy one for myself, i am 16 at the moment, so can you tell me how much insurance would cost? please no comments about there being no way i could get one.



I need help choosing insurance for my car?

im 16 and i just got my license. I live in southern california and need help choosing a car insurance company that is reliable and easy to afford. i have a 3.5 gpa but dont know what company will give me a discount. Please help



HELP! Insurance company trying to low ball estimate?

Back in April I was driving and a lady tried switching lanes and struck my vehicle. I immediately went to an auto body shop and got an estimate for the damage, they took photos and everything. I've been contacting her insurance and dealing with this for over two months... I had to send them the police report because the woman tried lying and said I hit her, so I had to prove she was at fault. They would never return my calls. Until I talked to the field adjuster. He then called me yesterday told me he got the estimate from the body shop which was one of their recommended shops, and was mailing me the check for the damage. However he failed to tell me the check he was sending was for $1000 less than the estimate. I don't agree with this, what do I do? I called and no one will call me back from the company Also, I own my car outright. It's a 2004 tiburon is excellent condition. The insurance company was giving me issues about me wanting the check sent to me. I plan on getting the damages repaired that are necessary but leaving what isn't and keeping the money that's left over. I'm not even making them get me a rental for the time I don't have the car! Please help The company is American family.



Ran a stop sign, will I have to take traffic school to keep insurance rate down?

I am a 21 year old who got a ticket for running a stop sign in Los Angeles. When I go to pay I see the option of traffic school, but it is more expensive than just paying the ticket off. If I want to keep my insurance rates at their current price, do I need to take traffic school? I am willing to do it, I just want to make sure the extra money won't be for nothing.



Insured (auto) will not reply to her insurance companies repeat attempts for contact...?

Last week a minor - unlicensed male - put Escalade, his mother's vehicle, in reverse and ran into the front of my stopped Toyota Corolla. We happened to be in front of his mother's house so he ran inside and she and her son came out soon after. The mother gave me all of her info: insurance etc. and I went on my disgruntled way. I called her insurance company, and mine too, the same day and made a report. It has been one week and after repeated attempts to call and then sending her a letter for a reply she still has not made any contact with either insurance carrier. I did not bother with a police report because last year, when the same kind of accident happened to me, I called the police and they came and told me they did not need to take a report and that we should just contact our insurance companies. This is an accident that happened on 4-20-2010 in northern California. What are my options?



My AAA card says it's expired but my parents are still paying monthly for my car insurance?

My AAA card says: Valid through September 23, 2010. They bought me a new car in July and we are still paying the monthly insurance so why is my card expired? Shouldn't they have sent me a new one?



Insurance screwed me over so my motorcycle got impounded.?

(If you want to know how I got screwed then just ask but here is my question..) I got a GSXR 1000 a week ago and it got impounded this past Saturday.. I'm going tomorrow to pick it up, and I'm wondering what will happen if I get there and the bike has scratches or it's been dropped.? Will they be held responsible to get it fixed or my insurance company because they screwed me over or myself?



Will they provide motorcycles at a motorcycle safety course?

I want to buy a Kawasaki ninja , but i dont know how to drive on its easy to learn i driven motor bikes over seas but its not the same. Well the motorcycle satey course will the provide a motorcycle a sports bike not a cruiser? and what do i need to bring exactly? Do you guys know on average how much motorcycle insurance cost for a 19 year old?? I know its different from different parts but from where your from. Detailed answers are much appreciated thanks guys!



Does a paid speeding ticket affect auto insurance rates or anything?

Does a paid speeding ticket affect auto insurance rates or anything?



Car insurance cost?

How much will car insurance cost if I'm a 19 year old girl, who is a full time student with a 3.3 GPA. I'm also a new driver and recently got my license, which means I more



Cheap Cars & Car Insurance? Help Advise?

I passed my test yesterday - with only one driving fault. i'm now looking for a cheap car and insurance? I'm 20 years old. also is it worth doing you pass plus as I've heard it lowers your insurance but then I've heard insurance goes up?



Auto insurance troubles. ..?

My car insurance expired on 6/19 at 12am so that same day we went to our insurance broker and purchased a new full coverage policy at 2:30 pm. They took pictures of our minivan which was in great condition. By the time the transaction was completed the time on the receipt said 2:46 PM. At exactly 4pm we were in the center lane of a 3 lane one way street and the lady on our right decided to make an illegal left turn in front of us and didn't give us enough time to stop, so we crashed. She was of course at fault but is taking her sweet time to make a statement so it has been over a week and her insurance won't take liability until she gives her statement, and now our insurance is trying to say that we weren't covered until 4:40 pm. Can our insurance do that? And the funny thing is we don't even have the details in our policy because they were supposed to mail it to us.



What is the coverage characteristics of disability insurance?

What is the coverage characteristics of disability insurance?



What will the insurance be on a classic mustang in Texas?

Hello. Im about to get my first car, but i want a mustang. I am 16 yrs old. If u know the price leave a comment. Thanks



Where do I find affordable homeowners insurance for home in largo florida?

my insurance with liberty mutual was just dropped.



Whats a good car insurance company?

hi im a 22 soon to be 23 year old male trying to buy a used 2004 or 2005 honda accord lx for 8 to 9000 dollars....what is the cheapest good insurance company i can go for and how much would i might have to dish out????



Car Insurance Honda Civic coupe vs sedan?

So I'm looking into buying a car. I'm 20 and I'm under my dads insurance. I pay 60 for being a secondary drivers for my dads van, but I want to get my own car. Would it be more if I got a black Honda civic coupe rather than a sedan?



Question about car insurance?

1. How long does it take to get insurance? Can we go in and apply for it tommorrow and have it when we walk out? Or is there a waiting period? How long until you are legally covered? 2. If you get insurance on a car you are going to sell/trade in - can you switch over your insurance to cover the new car? Or how does that work? Problem is, our truck isn't insured right now but we're planning on buying a new car in the next month or 2.. will that make things more difficult for us? - first time insurance buyer


Life insurance??

Can I take out a policy on my ex-husband for my daughter... and through who?? I need to insure my child future he does not have any kind of insurance and we just recently got divorce. We both have parents that pass away in the 40's and i want to look into this for are kid.. what can i do??


Car Insurance in the UK?

When your car insurance expires are you no longer covered or do insurance companies keep the policy going until you cancel the cover?



Why do insurance companies base rates on credit?

Illness hurt our family financially but we recovered and are on the credit mend. Funny thing is we have never missed an insurance payment - nor have we lapsed policies. We have been steady insurance users for 19+ years now. Our driving records and insurance record is also clean. Why is it fair for insurance companies to use credit against you - when they can't possibly know the circumstances.



How much would basic homeowner's insurance cost per month on a $100,000 home?

How much would basic homeowner's insurance cost per month on a $100,000 home?



Is selling car and home insurance difficult? How much does the average person make? Which is a good company?

Is selling car and home insurance difficult? How much does the average person make? Which is a good company?



How can forcing people to have car insurance compare to forcing health insurance?

Actually this equates to Slavery by the government??? You do not have to buy car insurance if you do not own a car. Secondly, if your car is paid for then you only have to have liability insurance to protect others not for the repairs of your own car. Yet, forcing everyone to have health insurance would fall on every individual regardless of age, sex, race, income, ect. If you do not have enough after paying your monthly bills you will be fined and even serve prison time with a $25,000 fee. This essentially goes against Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness isn't it? Liberals want to say everyone should have, and the government should provide? Yet, this is not government providing it is government enslaving you to have?? Slippery slope they are weaving and the benefits will be far less than we have today with the government oppression on each individual.



How much do you pay for insurance?

what car do u have and how much do you pay, also what insurance sompany do u have ? just want to know



I want to file a complaint about two health insurances.?

I went on the Internet to try to get health insurance, this company called alliance for affordable service called me and told me that my percriptions would only cost in the neigbor hood of $10- to &50 dollars. I spoke to my Dr. and he told me that there was none of my medicines that he could change to the lower prices. I contacked the company and told them what the Dr. told me. I asked for my money back, they told me to send a letter, which I did. They sent me one back aqnd told me that they would not give me my money back. I dropped the insurance. I contacked another insurance on the internet. They called me. I sepicifity asked if they covered preexisting conditions and he asked did I mean, I told he that the Dr. wanted to do surgery on me left foot. He told me that it would cover any preexisting preplanned surgeries. The Dr. office called them and they told her that they would not cover any suegery inpatient or out. This company was Sure Care.



Lying on car insurance to police when stopped?

if a person lied about the age on a car insurance policy and stopped by the police ..what would happen i understand if someone were to do this that they could not claim if crashed and would probely lead to criminal charges.



How much would an '89 Mercedes 300e cost for insurance?

So my dad has found a really good deal on a potential car for me in really good condition. It's a 1989 Mercedes Benz 300e. Do you think that since this is a 22 year old car that it'd be a ridiculous amount to insure because of the Mercedes badge? Or do you think I could afford it with a job? My insurance company would be allstate, on my parents plan, I have a 4.0GPA and I plan on taking drivers ed. Advice?



Getting insurance under my name?

I currently live in NJ. I'm planning on switching insurance companies and i would like to put it under my name. I'm currently under my dad's policy and he is the owner of the car. But, for me to get my own insurance, i need to transfer to title under my name. But, it says that you need proof of insurance before you can transfer the title. Is my dad's insurance (which is the current insurance for the car) good enough for proof?



Cheapest place to get insured on a friends car?

I was insured for a week on a friends car, a 1.4 peugeot 206. on her policy and it was 22, i thought this was a little steep, as my car insurance only cost me 18 a month for my own car (when i had 1) and that was a 1.6 escort. whats the best option as i won't drive uninsured, and need to borrow her car again and her insurance company says they can't add me as a named driver as she has changed her policy 4 times already this year!



No insurance fine, help!!?

It was stupid and careless, but I went out, with an expired sticker on my car, as well as no insurance on my car either. My luck, I was pulled over and givin a $110 expired tickect fine, as well as a summons to court on the 12th of November. I was researching the Compulsary Auotomobile Insurance Act section 2(1)(a) and It has came to my Knowlege that when I attend the court date I'm looking at a $5000 -$25000 fine, I have currantly been laid off and if i did have a job, Istill can't afford that. Is there any way that it can be reduced due to income, any information would help, Im very scared, I have never broken any type of rule before and im already in debt. Also, how many demarite points could i lose due to the expired ticket and lack of car insurance. Please only mature answers. I know I was wrong so that info is not needed. thanks so much in advance



Which car is the most reliable? and insurance wise.?

03 Infiniti g35 coupe. 05 mazda rx8. 05 Audi a4. 05 Acura tl. Nissan 350z. 05 cadillac sts. 03 bmw 3 series. 05 nissan maxima. 06 subaru wrx impreza and legacy. 05 ford mustang. Also add which one is insurance wise cheaper if you can.



How much does car insurance lower when you turn 21?

I have insurance with Farm Bureau, and I have a completely clean record. I hear insurance lowers when you turn 21, anyone know about how much? I pay about 600 a quarter..



Why is car insurance so high for young drivers?

I am 18 and currently on my fathers motor trade insurance. This covers me for anything upto 1600cc for social and domestic, you are actually having a laugh 1600cc is a joke! I can drive anything for business purposes. Recently rang the insurance to see if they would insure me on an IVECO DAILY 2.8 turbo diesel, as i was delivering some furniture to my grand parents in malta, about 1000 miles away from the uk, 2000 mile round trip. The answer i got was a blatant no, i didn't even get chance to say .8, anyway i was so pissed off i did the trip. didn't have one accident what so ever, not even a near miss when i drove to malta there and back. explain why they wouldn't insure me i really don't understand. My dads friend who is 53 years old was born not to drive a car, he has an accident atleast once a week because he mentally switches off when he drives. He drove down to germany any rolled his car times on the autobahn and i didn't have a crash or a near miss once in a 3.5 ton van, where is the common sense surely they should coin the people who litterally can't drive?



Can I drive my second car without insurance?

Hi, I bought a second car, the insurance on my first car allows me to drive any other vehicle with the owner's permission. Is it illegal to not insure my second car?



Can I insure a car not registered to me?

My 22 year old daughter is in college and on my car insurance currently. She is getting a new/used car. Does it have to be registered and titled to me for me to be able to put it on my insurance? Can it be titled and registered to her and still go on my insurance? Thanks.



Can you give me examples of how Obama care will drive up the cost of health insurance for employers.?

Im not totaly clear how and why exactly obama care is going to hike the cost of insuring employees. And are employers the only ones being effected by this new law mandating them buy health insurance for the federal goverment?



I am considering buying home and car insurance with Allstate but , should I?

I have been told that it is not a wise idea to keep my home and car insurance together, even if I get a discount. Can anyone tell me why, please?! Thank you!!



If my someone else drove my car & got into an accident would they be responsibe for the damages or would I?

If my someone else drove my car & got into an accident would they be responsibe for the damages or would I?



My door was kicked in... looking for average cost of repair?

My door was kicked in recently, someone broke in and robbed me. I dont have home owners insurance, so I have to fork over the costs. The frame will need replaced and a new door will probably need to be installed. Just wondering if anyone has had to replace their frame and door and how much it cost them. I would have called home depot or lowes by now... im just worried that i am going to have a heart attack when they tell me the price!!!! thanks for any help!



Which is the best child insurance plan?

Which is the best child insurance plan?



Broke my contract phone and have no insurance?

Basically, entirely my own fault... i have no insurance on my phone (had it for three months) and it was smashed yesterday! But my question is, if i phone up vodafone and tell them i will PAY three months worth of insurance, backdate it back to the three months i have had this phone, can I then claim for a replacement? Technically I will still be paying for insurance and they will be getting money? Is this possible??



Health insurance for 1099?

I am forming a corporation that will bring on several 1099 contractors as consultants, almost like a consortium of consultants. I'd like to offer them group health insurance. is this possible given that they are all 1099 contractors?



Insurance costs for new driver in canada?

I just got my g2 and im wondering how much will insurance be for a new male driver on their own vehicle, with no collision coverage? I know it varies!!! So just give me like a general answer... BY THE WAY I UNDERSTAND THERES WEBSITES THAT WILL GIVE YOU A QUOTE! I TRIED THESE AND THEY DONT WORK! SO DONT BOTHER TELLING ME TO LOOK AT A WEBSITE LIKE THAT!! theres still going to be a wise guy who does thou...


Life insurance??

Can I take out a policy on my ex-husband for my daughter... and through who?? I need to insure my child future he does not have any kind of insurance and we just recently got divorce. We both have parents that pass away in the 40's and i want to look into this for are kid.. what can i do??


Should I take off full coverage and just get liability insurance on my car?

I have a 2001 Ford Taurus worth around $5k according to Should I take full coverage insurance off of the car and just get liability? I am not accident prone (though I more



Under the new Cash Allowance Rebate program is my vehicle eligible if the registration and insurance ran out?

I owned my jeep cherokee for four years continuously registered and insured but just recently moved to California from New Jersey and out of necessity just let the truck sit for a few months during which the reg and insur. just expired about three months ago. So now can I still use this as a redeemable option on a new car.



What do you think about life insurance? Do you have it? Details below.?

My dad got life insurance 10 yeras ago, and now the price of the premium has increased 8 times more than what we were paying. Since his 10 years of life insurance at the affordable rate has expired, I'm thinking of asking him to renew it, but we were paying at such an affordable price. But he doesn't want life insurance and doesn't seem to care about protecting the family in case of his death. But I'm wondering, is life insurance that is something really worth it? My dad is a healthy individual. And even if we pay, would the premium have gotten up? My add is over 50, and I'm wondering if our premium will double even though if they check his health again. What do you think?



Insurance estimate way to low, help?

Ok, So about 2 weeks ago I was at a friends house. When I walked out and was getting ready to get into my truck, I noticed all four windows from the passenger side and drivers side smashed out, along with my truck being keyed all around on every panel. I called my insurance company the next day and a few days later they sent someone to give an estimate. I wasn't there though. So I then received a check in the mail, along with the breakdown of the estimate. They gave me $2,600, minus my deductable left me stuck with a check for $1,600. I felt that was way to cheap for a brand new paint job and to replace my windows, so I went around and got quite a few estimates of my own. They ranged between $5,800 - $7,000. I faxed them over the estimates, and what they told me was that the way they worked was I'm supposed to show them their estimate and they are supposed to work with the shop owner from there. So today I went, and as the shop owner was reading through the estimate, he was laughing and pointing things out, saying they can't be serious. He said there is basically no shop that would do all that work for cheap. He says I might need a lawyer. Any advice guys? Because all I want is my truck fixed, and its turning into a big ordeal. I drive a 2003 Chevy Silverado just in case that matters. I also still have they check they gave me sitting my my drawer, haven't cashed it.



I need cheap insurance for me and my baby?

I recently moved out of my mom's house to live with my boyfriend. She was covering me on her insurance but now it's been dropped, We moved to where his new job is and we are letting a friend live with us. My boyfriend's yearly income is about 65,000. I can't be covered under his insurance because we aren't married. I have a 11 month old baby and I have to take pills regularly... I need to find an insurance plan that can cover me and her. If it makes any difference I'm 18 and I'm turning 19 in October... I know some insurance plans cover certain ages. I'd prefer something kind of cheap but I also need something that has decent copay..even if it raises the price a little. Does anyone know a good carrier?



My landlord requires that my dog be covered by insurance - Suggestions?

I'm renting for a year so I figure I should look into some sort of renters insurance that includes dog liability. My dog is a one year old golden retriever. There are so many more



Average Cost of Homeowner's Insurance for a home..?

that is appraised at 169,000 and bought for 166,000?



Will my insurance go up?

will my insurance go up if i got a speeding ticket. i just got a speeding ticket almost doing 20 miles over the speed limit so i am worrying if it will effect my insurance or not and i have two accidents on it too. should i do the class or pay the ticket off?



Is it worth getting motorcycle insurance?

Im about to buy a Drz400sm with a loan. I like to know snice I have a loan should I get insurance coverage on it and what type of coverage like theft for sure im getting it if I do buy insurance. What other coverage should I get for it. I just turn 18 with a super clean driving history and Im planning to take a motorcycle safety course so how much will you believe insurance will coast me on the drz400sm. What are some cheap insurance companies too by the way?



Occasional Driver Insurance.?

My had has 02 Mazda under his name as a First Driver and Insured. I got my G2 License Dec 11 and i have been using the car ever since ~ 40-100KM a week. I am not insured in any way. I got a Left-Turn Signal Ticket and the COP did not say anything. I got stooped 2 other times driving a work car not in my name and they did not say anything. Is it safe for me to drive like this. I have been told by some family member that i have to be listed as a Second Driver. Whats the benefit on this? I am 22 years old. Would it cost a lot to get Insured?



In California, does my employer have to give health insurance if i am full time?

In California, does my employer have to give health insurance if i am full time?



How much would a typical car insurance cost for a punto? im also a new driver and 20 yrs of age.?

How much would a typical car insurance cost for a punto? im also a new driver and 20 yrs of age.?



Car insurance for a 17?

How do. I'm 17 and have just passed my driving test. I will be buying a 1.2/1.4 Fiat Punto soon on a 56 plate. How much roughly will this cost me on insurance? TY VM



My 17 was caught driving a car without a licence or insurance?

Does anyone know how much of a fine he can expect to get? Can't believe he has been such an idiot! He has never been in any sort of trouble before this.



What is the average price (without insurance) for a root canal?

What is the average price (without insurance) for a root canal?



Can i get insurance w/out a car and vice versa?

i have my license just not a car. so can i go buy a car without insurance OR can i buy insurance THEN buy a car?



Auto insurance question?

I'm 20 yrs old and I'm thinking of signing up with state farm auto insurance. I'm buying a car and i have none. So can someone tell me what I need, where I have to go, and what i have to do to get this done?



Car insurance?

ok if i was to get a new infiniti ex how much does auto insurance cost me anyone know



Cheapest type of insurance for 17 year old?

iv heard of black box insurance but this doesn't appeal to me most? so what companies or types of insurance are cheapest??



Car insurance nightmare!?

21 year old new driver, any type of practical car (e.g. pug 307 1.9d), car insurance is stupid money. As that is kind of expected, what I need help with is bringing down the price. Any suggestions? ...Also, it was cheaper last month than it is this month - substantially. Why?!



Home and contents insurance?

which company has the best home and contents insurance and contents inside sheds



Whats a good health insurance company for when the baby is born.?

Is there any inexpensive insurance companys. I am financialy not able to provide the best but I want to atleast have health insurance on the baby. I am looking at affordable. I live in North Louisiana.



How can i get an sr22 if my insurance company does not issue them?

I have a collector car and I have insurance through a collector car insurance company, and they do not offer SR22 vouchers. How can I get the SR22 endorsement that DMV needs if my current insurance company does not offer it? I don't want to have to pay for a whole additional policy when I have already paid the premium for the entire year on this policy. HELP!



On getting a quote for car insurance I am not sure if i qualify for no claims bonus.?

I have been down as my granddads named mobility driver as in hes the main driver and im his named driver, I have been in this situation for 3 years with no crashes bumps speeding tickets, no problems what so ever, Now im finally trying to get car insurance for myself can i claim that I have had 3 years no claims ?



Car insurance in Tennessee help please?

A girl I know the tags are in her name but her bf drive's the car he is currently teaching her how to drive she's new to the road..... but my question is can her bf get the car insurance in his name if the car tags n her name


Life insurance??

Can I take out a policy on my ex-husband for my daughter... and through who?? I need to insure my child future he does not have any kind of insurance and we just recently got divorce. We both have parents that pass away in the 40's and i want to look into this for are kid.. what can i do??


What do the left mean by making health insurance 'affordable'?

Affordable is a relative term. Affordable to who? It is already affordable to tens of millions of Americans. How can it become affordable to the poorest when they don't even have the means to feed or house themselves?



Can Someone in another state insure my car for me?

I Live in Georgia Where it is legal to get your car registered with insurance in someone else s name. I know for a fact because I have seen it done. But What I want to know is when I buy a car can since im so young and insurance rates for me are so high can my grandmother in Michigan add the car to her policy? or can my mom in CT insure it for me even though the car will be registered in georgia? Or Does it has to be another Georgia resident?



Cheapest place to insure a peugeot 106 1.1 or a peugeot 106 quiksilver?

Im getting pissed off with the prices of inurance for my car the cheapest i can get it is 3200 fully comp (third party is more money for some reason?!?) and ive tryed all these compare websites and they are utter bollocks i might aswell not have passed my bastard driving test with these prices, i may have to wait another year for my insurance to go down. Btw im 19 year old and have been passed 4 month, can anyone help me im sick of ******* looking at insurance websites, thanks



Insurance rates for a 21 year old male, CA?

I got my license when I was 19. I've been driving for two and a half years and barely found out I am not on my parents insurance. I was planning on buying a brand new car but I am now worried about insruance rates. I know they'll be high, but how high. I know insurance rates are based on age and experience. Is it likely I will be charged more because I have never been insured? Last time I checked for insurance I got calls for about 5 weeks straight. This time I don't want to give out any personal information. My question basically is will never previously having insurance before affect my rates?



Can anyone recommend any car insurance companies to me that are pretty cheap?

Just bought a new car yesterday and need to get it insured before i go pick it up. I'm a 19 year old female and passed my test on august 27th last year so havent even been driving a year yet...dunno if that helps at all lol the cheapest quote i got so far is 920 annual...does anyone think this is the cheapest i'll get.



Does anyone know how much a ticket for no insurance cost in the state of Georgia?

Does anyone know how much a ticket for no insurance cost in the state of Georgia?



Has anyone heard of Unitrin Direct Car Insurance. Yay or Nay?

I need to purchase car insurance right away. Their rates are pretty low. Any feedback would be appreciated.



How much will car insurance cost me a month?

Maine, 16 years old, 11 (almost 12) year old car, 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver's ed course taken. About how much will my car insurance cost me a month? Thanks.



What happens if you get in a accident with no insurance?

I got in an accident today. It wasn't my car it was my moms, I gave the cop my license, registration, and insurance. However, I didn't know that the insurance was lapsed. It hadn't been paid. There wasn't any damage to the lady's car, and minimal damage to mine. Me and the women were getting ready to take off, but a cop came up, and said that because it was a main road, that we needed to fill out an accident report. She isn't gonna call her insurance company, but if she does, and they find out there wasn't insurance, are there fines to pay, do they take the car? I know I'll have to pay for whatever damages she may have on her car out of my pocket.



Car insurance- if your vehicle is stolen do your rates skyrocket?

my car was jacked at a gas station, are my rates gonna go way up?



I'm 17 years old will my insurance go up for a speeding ticket i just recieved?

i was getting away from someone tailgating me, horn blowing etc. for reasons still unsure and i was afraid if i pulled off the road, he would too, so i was in my corvette, i tapped my brakes, nothing and he gigged me so i pulled away and he turned off onto a side road and was i was clocked going 64 in a 45. if i go to traffic school will my insurance not go up much since its my first offense?



Is there an insurance that will insure me and not my car?

my friend had an insurance that insured just him for any car he was driving idk what it was called but it was only for ohio residents anyway(im in pa) would it work?



How to get low car insurance? ?

Hi I'm 18, and just reasantly passed my test about 4months ago. And think a 1.0 vaxhaull corsa is the cheapest and best first car that I can afford! Now, I was just wondering what is the cheapest car insurer? Is there any techniques or tips on getting cheap car insurance? Can anyone help?!



How much will my insurance go up after a claim?

i was in a crash it was my fault i went into the back of another car my van was fine but the other guys car was damaged at the back it is too damaged to pay out of my own pocket so understandably he is claiming off my insurance. i have a full licence, since i started driving 8 years ago i have no claim my insurance is fully comp and i pay 330 euro each year. after this claim does anyone no how much roughly will my insurance go up next year . any advice would be greatly appreciated as i am very worried.



Looking for insurance on older apts in Mewrced Ca?

QWe are looking for affordable property insurance for our older apts. We keep them up.



Can I afford to get pregnant?

My husband and I are both in school and working part time. We currently don't have health insurance because we can't get it through our jobs and can't afford any outside insurance. We really want to have a baby, but are worried about paying for all of the pre/postnatal care. Is there a way to get help without putting us in tons of debt?



True or False; We should let people decide weather they want health insurance or not?

True or False; We should let people decide weather they want health insurance or not?



What is the difference between the insurance for the cars and motorcycles ?

Which one is cheap in terms of insurance ?



Do I need insurance for one time poetry event in Chicago?

I'm looking to rent a church Rectory to artists for events like open mic's, gallery showings, and other small (20 people max) one time events. Do I need insurance outside of the home insurance the Rectory already has?



Will a first time speeding ticket in Missouri effect my insurance and i have Statefarm insurance?

Will a first time speeding ticket in Missouri effect my insurance and i have Statefarm insurance?



I want to buy a car insurance on my own and i am 18 years old.?

I want to buy a car insurance on my own and i am 18 years old. and i am going buy an used car (130,000miles). I get just have my driving license. i am a no experience driver. I live in EDISON NJ 08837, is it possible my car insurance is high than $2000/ year?



What is the cheapest way to get insurance with a friends car?

I'm already practising my driving lessons and theory. Once I pass what's the best and cheap way to be insured.



Can insurance for young drivers ...?

i want to buy a bmw 3 series convertible m sport diesel 2litre. the buying price is 13000 approximatley, unfortunatley i am 18 years old and this seems to be playing against me when it comes to insuring the car. i do not want to go down the line of fronting or breaking the law, but is there any way at all i can get a decent deal on insurance!? even if it means insuring myself to drive any car .. if that's possible?? any help would be appreciated. thanks!!



Will this up my car insurance?

If I buy a normal Volkswagen MKV Golf, and get a new bumper fitted and put some black alloys on it, will it up the insurance by much? I'm not trying to 'chav' it up, I simply want more of an R32/Jetta bumper and grille. I also want to have the interior retrimmed in white leather, how much would this up the insurance by? Thank you :)



What is the best car insurance for me?!?

i dont know if i should be on my moms car insurance or get my own, and if i get my own, which one? im a female, 18, and live in New York. and i will probably get a car that is 4+ years old


Life insurance??

Can I take out a policy on my ex-husband for my daughter... and through who?? I need to insure my child future he does not have any kind of insurance and we just recently got divorce. We both have parents that pass away in the 40's and i want to look into this for are kid.. what can i do??